bomberman '93


WiiChat Member
Feb 18, 2007
i just downloaded this today. and it is awesome. i had only played bomberman 64 a few times years ago.

definitely one of the best vc purchases i have made
Yeah, classic bombermans are awesome, I might get it.
What do you rate it on a scale of 1-100?
its great fu. and you can play up to six(might be 8, i think 6) person, with a mix of wiimotes, classic VC and gamecube controllers. fun fast paced multiplayer.

this was the bomberman where the kick boots and other fun powerups were added, a very nice edition of bomberman.
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i thought it was only 5? but yeah. i'd give it like 92/100. very fun. ive only played with my roommate, but i could imagine playing with 5 people would be absolutely insane!

the single player is fun too. im terrible at it, but its still fun. thats the mark of a good game.
man i used to play this game all the time with my sister...(until she got mad at me one day and broke the CD that the game was on)...anyways I would rate it a 95/100...i thought it was a really good game and i'm gonna get it on the can only play with up to 5 players though...4 wiimotes+ 1 GC controller, that's what i read on the VC description..
Only the mutli is good (5 max)
The one player mode is dull
Yeah single player not the greatest thing in the world, but get 4 other people and its awesome and you can use any combination of controllers as long as a Wiimotes in there somewhere, at least I'm pretty sure.
awhitesuit said:
do you know if you could use 3 wiimotes and 2 gc controllers?
sorry it is 5 player, not 6 or 8 like i said.
i used two gc and two wiimotes, so it should work with 3+2. they just need to be plugged in the right slots.
Shame its not online
Its perfect for it

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