Bnp Person says hello


Aug 5, 2007
Hello well i'm new to the forum, and maybe as you can see by my name i support the bnp (British National Party), please don't ban me from the site or shut off this thread because i support bnp then you would have judged me. Also if my name was labour i wouldn't be subjected to being hated or possibly banned in Britain we live in a democracy so don't ban me. i am aware of the site rules and will not be posting racial hatred messages or such so those who hate me already calm down. Well hello people. PM me if you want to
well that was a very defensive post, no-one has even had a go at you. anyway welcome to wiichat
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i know i was just saying to people who may judge me before they knew me that all, anyway thanks for welcoming me
Hey welcome to the forum BNP :) Hope you enjoy your stay here at WiiChat.
hey welcome, i have a large degree of admiration of you and your beliefs, i like your nelson sig as well

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