Blazing Angels. Better than what IGN said.


Isn't here as much
Oct 28, 2006
Wii Online Code
So, some weeks ago, I purchased Medal of Honor: Heroes 2.
That same day, my dad got Blazing Angels.

I said to myself, "Ugh. IGN gave it a poor score. "

So I was on my merry way, playing my Medal of Honor.

But I thought, "I might as well just TRY Blazing Angels."

It hasn't left my wii since.

The controls take maybe 5 minutes to get used to. I like the default ones.
Flying around is a breeze, and it's fun.

Shooting is satisfying when you see the enemy plane explode in mid-air, or even strip the wings off it seeing it spiral toward the ground!

Though, my biggest grunt is time-based missions. You've gotta kill all the enemies within the time limit. I'd rather a "Kill all the enemies and survive" type deal, but I'm alright with it. Though sometimes it gets hard because the enemy is sometimes really good at dodging your attacks!

The visuals are actually nice. The planes have good detail. The only thing that's not quite up to speck is the land and trees. They're a bit poorly designed.

Frame rate never dropped. You'd think with 50+ planes flying around, things would get choppy. Not so!

You unlock planes as you go along, unlocking better planes if you complete the mission fast (which I've never been able to get a top ranking! Arg!)

If you're weary of buying this game because of IGN's 5.7, then don't be.
I think when they wrote the review, they still had a grudge from Red Steel.

I'd give it at least an 8.
Blazing Angels did decent on Xbox. I liked Blazing Angels 2 on Xbox but the planes were too small. You couldnt actually see the plane until it got to close. Other than that they were just dots on the screen so thats why I didn't buy it. Never tried Blazin Angels 1, let alone on the Wii. There will always been reviewers that underate/overate games. There will always be people who likes certain games dispite how bad it really is.

I think IGN gave it low score because it didnt live up to its potential.
Sweet I will have to rent or just buy this one as I havn't seen it any where yet. Weird? there is another game coming to yet I think it may be more fun because I think it's going to be more of a top gun type of game. Some one recommended for me to play GT because the stirring in it was much better and on par if not better than excite truck yet more realistic. I also noticed a lot of rental stores are not carrying some of the good games for some reason? Not sure whats going on there?
thank you, ive been waiting for someone to give there impressions on this game seeing as i thought it looked awesome
Wow i am suprised to hear that because when i played it good gosh the plane models were the only thing that actually looked good other than a couple of cities. Otherwise, sad textures, the controls were so clunky.... If you found enjoyment out of this title...which i hope your just lying.. Go pick up a game worthy of playing MP3 MOHH2 Galaxy. Or just wait till brawl.
TPLink said:
the controls were so clunky.... .
Yeah , I think that was one of the key reasons why IGN scored it so badly .
I've never played it , and have been reluctant to buy it based on IGN's score .
If my video store had it to rent , I'd give it a go , just to see .
The Wii-mote and nun-chuck are made for flying games , and I hope there is another one in the pipe line some where.
I agree. I've really enjoyed it thus far. Very rewarding with various planes to choose from, different campaigns, styles of combat (attacking ground forces with rockets, air combat against bombers and fighters, attacking ships with bombs and torpedos).
Trulen said:
The controls take maybe 5 minutes to get used to. I like the default ones.
Flying around is a breeze, and it's fun.

They may be easy to get used to, but they don't work too great.

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