Black Wii starts price war


An ancient one, banner of over a thousand acunts
Staff member
May 30, 2006
Super Mancyland
Wii Online Code
So the Black Wii cometh (a few years late but still)

And it looks like its cheaper, but thats online only as in store apparently its the same price.
Nintendo says that they are not selling it to the retailers cheaper than the white one. But then again the online salers of it are selling it for fifteen pounds less than the RRP. This makes us think are Nintendo planning a price drop or is it made from cheaper parts?
Well sites such as Amazon, Play and Game are selling it for £164.99 and thats with Wiisports resort (plus motion plus).
See below

Buy here
Now that's a good deal on a new one.

But scince its cheaper will the normal one become cheaper?

Full news story via MCV
A price drop wouldn't surprise me any. With Sony coming out with the PS3 Slim and Microsoft dropping the price of the 360 for the 100th time, it would only be smart for Nintendo to do something along the same lines.

Right now you can pick a Wii up from Wal-Mart at 199 bucks, a very affordable price if you ask me. I wouldn't be shocked if they just released a black Wii with no price drop. Nintendo has to make money and I don't think selling your system at 150 or 100 dollars a pop would be the best way to go about it.

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