black screen loading game


WiiChat Member
Dec 6, 2006
i have had my wii since release. Been working great so far. Just started yesterday. When i load Wii sports, zelda, truama center. before the message telling you to put the strap on it just sits at a black screen. nothing on it ... but the wii remote lights turn off, when i push the A button all 4 lights blink then go off again. At one point it was on the black screen for almost a minute. It will start the game after some time. I have not tried today, but it was driving me crazy last night. I re Synced the remote did not help. Any ideas. Once the game starts the controller works fine. :shocked:
hmmmm...try turning the wii off from the mains. then when turn it back on, it might work fine. simple yet effective
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Thanks i will give that a try. I really hope i dont have to send or return my wii if somthing is not working. take for ever to get one back.

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