Birds *Image Intensive*


WiiChat Member
Mar 19, 2007
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Hey guys im back, have spend the past 4 days o n tiritiri matangi island doing some research on New zealands endemic and extremely rare and endangered bird life, these birds live here and nowhere else, most of them have been extict on out mainland for decades and now only survive on offshore islands of highly managed 'mainland islands' i spent alot of time snapping off many photos and some of my best ones are below, please take a look at some of NZ's most beautiful bird life, and yes i took these photos myself :yesnod:

Edit: Have Uploaded Them as Attachments, Should make it easier for all of you :wink:
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Bandwidth come on down !

Please try and use thumbnails if your posting a load of hq pics

<<Is jelos
Even thow he has been watchin some big brother stlye thing with owls
Wow they look beautiful but are they really that big in life!geez thumbnails are your friends seriously are good
Edit-Sorry when I posted this there didn't change to thumbnails there still amazing what got you interested in them?
OH GAWD... Y2K.... RUN.... .. wait.. no.. ah ok its just my computer trying to load 99 gigabytes of bird!

The first thing i saw was some extreme closeup of bird anus. Thanks. RESIZE them please or post links.

Also, i thought that was some guy bending over in front of you in your avatar. Doesnt look much like a whale, rather that you are biting someones but. Ah well.
Shiftfallout said:
OH GAWD... Y2K.... RUN.... .. wait.. no.. ah ok its just my computer trying to load 99 gigabytes of bird!

The first thing i saw was some extreme closeup of bird anus. Thanks. RESIZE them please or post links.

Like what I see every time I go lookin on some of my other sites
Woahhhh that took so long to load lol

I'm curios to know what camera you used?

Very nice though, their rather cute ^_^
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used the new Sony Alpha with a 74-300 carl Zeis lens
Why are there no owls ?
I love owls, I wanted to adopt them when I were young (or younger than I am now LOL). They are so cute..
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Darkprinny said:
Why are there no owls ?
lol we dont have owls, we have moreporks which are a close reletive of the owl, however like most are nocternal and only come out at night so getting a photo would be extremly hard considering i have a standard flash
Night vision

Like they are usein on that owl big brother thing that I have been watchin
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Darkprinny said:
Night vision

Like they are usein on that owl big brother thing that I have been watchin
lol well im on a student budget so buying a $2000 camera was bad enough let alone night vision lol:lol:

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