Bionic Commando Petition for Wii


The Hero Of Time
Nov 22, 2006
Puerto Rico
Wii Online Code
I think we all know that a Bionic Commando game is in the works for the PS3, 360, and PC. When I heard the news, I was extremely saddened to hear that the title wasn’t slated for the Wii. I have been a huge fan of Bionic Commando since I played the original in the arcades. My favorite by far is the NES version of Bionic Commando. The GBC semi-sequel is an excellent game as well. The problem is, I felt that Capcom never really explored the Bionic Commando franchise. There are so many different gameplay elements that can be tied to the series, I see the franchise as having near-limitless potential. This brings me back to the announcement of the new Bionic Commando. While I am extremely happy that Capcom is revisiting the series, I can’t help feeling let down that they ignored the Wii on this pass.

Or at least, that’s how it seemed at first. While there seemed to be no hope for a Wii version, we found out that it was quite the opposite. A Capcom employee came out and said; in a much more eloquent way, that if we wanted to see Bionic Commando on the Wii, we would have to voice that opinion. Hearing that was like music to my ears. It gives us some indication that Capcom is at least entertaining the idea. They obviously aren’t sure if there is a crowd on the Wii that would want this game. That’s why we need to speak up, just as they challenged us to do.
I can't say I ever play Bionic Commando on the NES, however I had it, and played it constantly on the C64, back in "the day"...

And more recently I played it on the PS2 as part of the CapCom classics collection....

A suberb game...

Petition signed :)
I owned the game on NES and repurchased it when it was rereleasted on gameboy advance. It was a great game and deserves to live on on the wii.
You can do so much with the Wii remote and bionic arm. It's a shame they went for pretty graphics for the newest game. I'm very disappointed in Capcom. You can't side step to avoid bullets in a green shirt! Bring back the 3 hits and you're screwed health bar! Also... I have a little plan of my own... muwhahaha. It'll take 6 months to make. Don't wait up.

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