best zelda?

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WiiChat Member
Nov 21, 2006
what do you think is the best zelda?

i think windwaker is .. the only thing i HATE about windwaker is that i has so much wattttterrr... i think if windwaker had more land and epona it would be the best ever.. to tell the truth i like the graphics on it ..
So Far, Ocarina Still Wins

I liked Windwaker, but I never got over the feeling that the graphics were there just to show the world that Nintendo doesn't have to do what their customers want them to in order to be able to sell games.

Now don't get me wrong, I fully understand that Windwaker's graphics actually did look more like the old NES and SNES graphics than the graphics in Ocarina. But they just didn't work for me personally.

And yes, I agree that Windwaker had too much water travel. When you combined that with the fact that Windwaker had more *required* item collecting quests, I ended up feeling like I was just running errands a lot of the time instead of playing a game.

I haven't played Twilight Princess yet. My wife won't let me near the Wii until she finishes the game. I'd protest, but hey, I've got a wife who loves video games--I'm not gonna jinx it!

Ocarina of Time because of how revolutionary it was to the franchise, similar to Final Fantasy 7.:worship:
Wind Waker makes the movie Waterworld look like a puddle. It also had few dungeons.
I like Zelda TP, but I was not terribly amazed, partly because it's riding the Ocarina of Time bandwagon.
Ocarina of Time. First Zelda i got to play. Although the 3rd or 4th time i tried to complete it I'm pretty sure there was a glitch that stopped me from progressing. (maybe I got bad at it hehe). Also I'm looking forward to TP if its supposed to be like OoT.
Wind Waker was a really fun game, but like you said.. Wayyy too much water. My favorite would have to be Link to the Past.
Link to the Past and Ocarina because the music in the dungeons added to the atmosphere. In Twilight P, you can hear a pin drop.
tie between OoT and TP for fun but OoT: Maste quest wins for diffiulty

btw. moving to zelda chat
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if you play WW on wii would it use the sensors to still swing the sword n stuff?
champyon11 said:
if you play WW on wii would it use the sensors to still swing the sword n stuff?

Nope, you would have to use the GC controllers.

To the topic in general, OoT would be best, because as stated, it revolutionised the franchise and substantially rose the bar some folds. ALttP to me back then was the 1st Zelda game, I didnt know there was others before it, but even after finding out that fact, I still class ALttP the 1st Zelda. That too rose the bar from the original opening (I actually have Zelda 1-2 on my Z: Collectors Edition disk for GC, but havent played them :rolleyes:).

I will be definitely be downloading ALttP on Wii, funny enough I actually had it about 2 years ago for GBA, but once I literally flew through and finished it, I took it back to the shop :rolleyes:.

I've yet to play TP, but will be doing so in 1 Days time, when it hits stores over here :D, so I may have to edit this post sometime next week.
Twilight Princess is a lot of fun. The ability to change into a wolf and fight on horseback is ace, but in one LoZ packed weekend i beat over half the game. It took me soo long to beat LttP but maybe thats because i was 10 when i did :lol:
Redan499 said:
Twilight Princess is a lot of fun. The ability to change into a wolf and fight on horseback is ace, but in one LoZ packed weekend i beat over half the game. It took me soo long to beat LttP but maybe thats because i was 10 when i did :lol:

Back then, ALttP was the 1st real puzzle-action-adventure game to challenge players mentally the way it did. I watched my Dad and a friend who got his SNES for xmas (back then), go through with the aid (which they very much needed) of the GameMaster mag which had a issue each week containing another section of the ALttP walkthrough. As they said, once reading what to do and actually doing it, "If it wasnt for the Mag I wouldnt know wtf to do". That of course was for the sole reason that, at the time we were all knew to that style of gameplay, where as now we go into a dungeon and know what to look for, i.e. the Switch ont he wall to the right, hitting the statue in the eye with an arrow or slashing at the switch with your sword.

When I bought the ported ALttP for GBA I flew through the game thinking, "I cant believe they were stuck here and needed the mag to help them through". My memory is good and has shown signs of possibiliy being photographic at times, but I still hadnt played ALttP for.... a good several years untill that GBA ported version.
As someone else said though in another thread, they are going to have to wait for abit till the puzzle solutions fade from memory so they can go back through. With me I'm the same way, if I can clearly remember the layout and solutions, aswell as each persons dialogue then I have to hold off another run through for awhile and as I said my memory is good.

I like FF7-FF9 (and soon to be FF12, I didnt like FF10 onwards, they took out free-roaming, besides the online FF11 which I didnt play) but dislike additional play throughs because of all the txt to go through, but thats now solved being as when I got my Slimline I got a turbo controller in with the bundle deal so skipping txt on replays was nothing, I could just close my eyes till the convo was over. I just wish there was a turbo controller for GC/Wii now, which would go well with ToS, WW (if I ever play it again), and TP (only on additional plays, when I know the dialogue off by heart and dont want to sit there pressing buttons :drool:).
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