Best racing game


Dec 6, 2006
Your Face!!
Wii Online Code
I want to get a racing game for my Wii. Is NFS: carbon good, if not i would get excite truck because i played the demo. Is GT pro any good it got bad ratings.

thanks in advance
GT:pro is horrible. Avoid that, especially at 50 bones. The problem with NFS Carbon And Excite Truck is that there both short. NFS a bit longer. NFS has all the customization an stuff, Excite Truck doesnt have many different vehicles. NFS is more realistic, Excite Truck is opposite. When you take out the Wii-Mote factor, NFS is better. But with the Wii-Mote I have to recommend Excite Truck over NFS its just so fun. But if customization and super superior cars are your thing, NFS.
Need for speed Carbon is great if you like that sorrta thing. I haven't played excite truck or gt pro series, but after reading reviews and seeing screen shots NFS Carbon looks better.
Yeah GT pro is just a failure.

I mean I don't usually ever really take graphics into consideration when I look at games, but this utterly bad.
#1Wiitard said:
Has anyone tried Monster 4x4 yet?
no but it failed as well... check the reviews

now I know ratings don't always meen much but they are only off to a certain extent - even the "you say" ratings on gamespot suck (players hate it too)
Excite Truck is more about having quick adrenaline pumping fun, and it has the best controls of all the racing games on the Wii. Its a blast.

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