Best Mini Game: Mario Party 8 vs Mario vs Sonic Olympics


WiiChat Member
Aug 4, 2007
Houston, TX
I got a question for u guys...i constantly have ppl over and my daughter loves to play the games on Wii sports and Wii i was thinking of getting one of the Mini-Game Games out....which do you think is better and y? and are both 4players? or if u think another is better which one and y? :crazy: sorry if that was confusing but i think u guys get my drift :crazy:

I have Mario Party 8 - its a lot of fun and we are having folks over this weekend and will probably end up playing it again! its not one for playing with out friends though i dont think.

I am pretty much going to get mario and sonic olympics because i loved the old track n field type games from way back and think it would be cool with friends.

i have just realised that my answer was probably no help in making a decision with my Pro both attitude - sorry!

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lol ya, i am thinking the same coming this weekend...mario party has a pretty good track record as far as 4 player goes, but i love the idea of the old track and field games ( i.e ...dare i say it?!....:crazy: THE POWER PAD!:crazy: wow, how many of u old schoolers remember that!:yikes: and if u dont u TOTALLY missed out, it was the grandfather to DDR :shocked:

well I was really disapointed with Mario Party 8 (own it)

and I LOVE track and field, but I have yet to try Mario & Sonic at the Olympics :D
I don't know about Olympics (Some really mediocre reviews, but also some solid 8-8.5's.) But, I have Mario Party 8, and it's pretty solid. So, rent them both. Then you should decide yourself.
Party 8 I recommend and my brother his friends love it. (They're 7).
They hated Olympics cause of all the work you have to do. I dunno, just wasnt their style. It just depends.
Which One?

Get Mario Party 8 as it is better suited for kids!!

by the way i do own so i have some idea of what i am talking about. :)
if youve played any other mario partys, then expect a lot of the same, with some wii additions. i have all mp's from 4 through 8, and we still play all of them, based on what mood were in. only play with company though, its fun, and ive never tried olympics, but i encourage mp8 if you like previous installments, just dont expect much more from the wii version.
Mario and Sonic at the Olympics game is slightly underrated for groups of people. It's the kind of game that you should not own because you might play it too much. Why is that bad? Well it's most fun with a group of people who don't have much experience with the game. It's really fun to race and compete against friends.

I love the game but it has to be used sparingly and only socially.

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