Best game on a budget?

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  • #16
Woh, ton of replies haha. I'll definitely look into all these suggestions. Thanks everyone.

Also something I should of noted, I dont have wireless internet, so in order to get any wiiware I need to buy an adapter first. I'll prob get to it eventually but for now I just want somethin to play.

And rukus, How is SSX Blur a pain exactly? I really liked SSX Tricky and SSX3, knowing that is it still a pain?
Woh, ton of replies haha. I'll definitely look into all these suggestions. Thanks everyone.

Also something I should of noted, I dont have wireless internet, so in order to get any wiiware I need to buy an adapter first. I'll prob get to it eventually but for now I just want somethin to play.

And rukus, How is SSX Blur a pain exactly? I really liked SSX Tricky and SSX3, knowing that is it still a pain?

You have to have some experience w/ the wii controls. There's a bit of a learning curve for the tricks execution, but once you get the hang of it, it'll be fun.
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  • #18
Yeah I heard about the learning curve. But aside from that some say its the best in the series.
with blur you have to make motion 'images' to get the special moves. they are very inconsitent and awkward. totally detract from an otherwise great game.
Dont get SSX Blur I own it and its horrible. The controls make no sense and it is not fun
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  • #22
If you go to a Circuit City, their closing out sale has AMAZING offers. I bought RB2 for only 30 BUCKS!!!!

Oh yeah, I should check that out. was not sure if they were still having those deals.

Dont have any nearby tho so might be trouble.
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  • #25
I've seen House of the Dead 2 & 3 Return for $20 used. It's a great game, and they're always fun to play.

Yeah those types of games could be fun, dunno if i'll get something like that right now tho. Overkill looks really good but that just came out.
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  • #27
I basically can just get one game at the moment, and I dunno if I want it to be a rail shooter or light gun game, whatever you call it.

Although what about Ghost Squad? If I were to get a game like that it would prob be between Ghost Squad and House of the Dead. Both around $20
I have Ghost Squad. It's short, only 3 chapters, however, the enemies can have costumes, you can have different weapons, etc. It's worth the $20.
Once onslaught gets released on wiiware over there (assuming you can access the Wii Shopping Channel) it might be worth a look in. The online co-op is reasonably fun and it only cost us Brits a measly 1000 Wii Points (£7)

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