Best fighting game of all time??

*scoff* I did not ignore it. I just had to adress the current post at hand first.

Yes, SSB is better than brawl in my eyes. But because of my memories that i've had and yet to have when playing. For 'tis the mind that makes the game rich. And as the sun breaks through even the darkest clouds, so honor peereth through the oldest of games.

Why is the jay more precious than the lark, because his feathers are more beautiful? Now ask that same question regarding Super Smash Brothers. And now you know my meaning.

I can certainly tell you love playing with words. :lol:

Those two poetic paragraphs do little more than praise the game in memory of, rather than it's actual gameplay value and the like. I have a feeling, although certainly without anything to base it off of, that a truthful response is that "it's more fun, plain and simple", yeah? Brawl is better as a game for it's extended roster, wi-fi, graphics (ugh...), story mode, replay value, collectibles, improvements on EVERYTHING 64 had, etc. etc. etc...

Except for the classic feeling of simplicity and speed. In a sense, anyone can claim 64, or while on this matter, melee is a better game because it's more fun. While I can relate to this, with and without nostalgia, Brawl is still the superior game over the both of them. What's fun and what's isn't is to each their own, after all.

I will however add that I do play 64 with my gamer posse every once in awhile, and we'd do the same if any of our Melee's still worked.
What's the point of playing a game if it isn't fun?

"Oh I really wanna play some N64 smash because it's so fun, but I know for a fact the brawl is logically proven superior in style, art, and variety, and therefore brawl = more fun."

Obviously a typical conversation one would hear every day.
"Oh I really wanna play some N64 smash because it's so fun, but I know for a fact the brawl is logically proven superior in style, art, and variety, and therefore brawl = more fun."

And that, is why the term fanboy exists.

By the by, if you thought I meant I play Brawl even though I think 64 is superior, that isn't what I meant to say. :lol: I think Brawl is superior and more fun compared to 64, really. My point was I still play 64 for the nostalgia factor.
Well people told me that some games where crap and I enjoyed them.
The whole "opinions" can apply to most stuff.

Unless its on the then its crap by default.
What's the point of playing a game if it isn't fun?

To see how bad it is?
I have played some right rubbish in my pursuit of finding out if it is that bad

Precisely why I played E.T...

For roughly 3 minutes, and ragequitted, ugh. The Superman 64 of the Atari.

Anyone dare list a Dragonball game? Budokai 3 was alright, but otherwise... Although I don't know if Burst Limit's any good.
The budokai for the gamecube is the only one i have, and it's fun. Not sure if that contributes to the decision of it being the greatest, but still.

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