Beginners guide to WiiU and FAQ (WIP)


An ancient one, banner of over a thousand acunts
Staff member
May 30, 2006
Super Mancyland
Wii Online Code
I feel we need one of these threads as its out/coming out.
Questions you feel will be asked a lot,
Recommendations of games
Games set ups

Can it play Wii games?
-Yes it can, but they can not be played on the WiiU controller.

Can the Wii play WiiU games?
-No the WiiU is a bit more powerful.

Can I use the controller on the Wii?
-No its for WiiU only

Does the Wii U console support high definition (HD) images?
-Yes. With the included HDMI cable, Wii U supports HD images of a resolution up to 1080p.

Does the Wii U display Wii games in HD?
-No, Wii software will always be displayed in its native resoultion

Do I need anything in addition to what is included with the Wii U console?
-Depending on the game software you are using, you may require additional peripherals such as a Wii Remote Plus (or Wii Remote), Nunchuk, Sensor Bar, and so on.
Please refer to the websites of individual games for more details.
If you already own a Wii, you will be able to use its Wii Remote Plus (or Wii Remote), Nunchuk, Sensor Bar etc. with Wii U.
If you do not own a Wii, these items can be purchased separately, or in a Wii Remote Plus Additional Set.

I don't own a Sensor Bar. Can I use the sensor bar on the Wii U GamePad instead?
-The GamePad sensor bar only works with supported software, and cannot be used to replace a Wii Sensor Bar.

What WiiU version should I get?
-The premium one if you are going to get a few games and downloadable games, the normal if you are not.

How can the amount of available storage space be expanded?
-You can expand the amount of available memory with external USB storage media, such as hard disk drives (HDD).
USB storage media can be connected to Wii U via the console's front or rear USB 2.0 connectors.
Please note that only one external USB storage device can be used at a time.

Can I export my Wii saves and downloads to the WiiU?
-Yes you can the WiiU will tell you how its done.

How many WiiU controllers do I need?
-For most games one should do, but the WiiU can support 2

More reading
Nintendo's own FAQ
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Actually I've one comment on one answer. What Wii U version you should get depends on the amount of time you play a game. For casual gamers, who play two games a few times a month, are recommended to buy an 8GB version. If you play more, like atleast three times a week, you should go for the Premium package of 32GB.
Actually I've one comment on one answer. What Wii U version you should get depends on the amount of time you play a game. For casual gamers, who play two games a few times a month, are recommended to buy an 8GB version. If you play more, like atleast three times a week, you should go for the Premium package of 32GB.

I don't think those are official Nintendo recommendations. Besides, one should make there decision based on their budget and what accessories he wants. The storage size does not affect game play regardless of the frequency. If someone needs more space for either version, they can purchase external storage later. The amount of storage space required should be based on whether one plans to download most games or purchase them retail.
I don't think those are official Nintendo recommendations. Besides, one should make there decision based on their budget and what accessories he wants. The storage size does not affect game play regardless of the frequency. If someone needs more space for either version, they can purchase external storage later. The amount of storage space required should be based on whether one plans to download most games or purchase them retail.

Well, I actually talking about space, I meant that; people who don't game a lot, don't need to pay more for space that they (probably) won't use. I thought calling them 8GB and 32GB version wasn't that confusing..... if it is I mean.
How much ya game is irrelevant, how much you'll download is what you'll want to keep in mind when deciding what version ya want. The Deluxe comes with Ninty Land anyways, and the extra space is nice even if ya never download games. Lets ya hold onto many demos and such.

Gaming hasn't ever been a cheap hobby ('sides weekend trips to an arcade back in the day...), so the small extra price for buyin' a Deluxe isn't really a factor IMO. Assumin' the Basic and Deluxe models are still the same difference in cost that they were at launch.
Oooookay, guess I'm wrong then.

Hé, all mighty Magikarp fishing-master, or something. Do you have a Wii U? (stupid guestion, I know)
Still I would like some advice.....
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Gaming hasn't ever been a cheap hobby ('sides weekend trips to an arcade back in the day...), so the small extra price for buyin' a Deluxe isn't really a factor IMO. Assumin' the Basic and Deluxe models are still the same difference in cost that they were at launch.

About 10 years ago before the rise of Ebay it was, carboots with loads of consoles with games on the cheap

Arcade gaming was expensive as well
Only if ya went to the arcade really often (I'm guilty as charged lawl). And without friends who may or may not pay your fare.

Hé, all mighty Magikarp fishing-master, or something. Do you have a Wii U? (stupid guestion, I know)
Still I would like some advice.....

Now, that's a title I need t' remember. :lol:

Aye, that I do. The Deluxe model in specific. The extra space has come in handy, as the mere 8 GB the normal model has wouldn't of let me hold the amount'a demos I've currently got.
I'm gonna go to a game event, were the Wii U will be playable a bit closer to home then E3 :tongue:. And I'm really considering about getting back on the road of old Nintendo again. But I'm still just not sure, I mean it would be a bit hard to convince my mother.....
Yeah! I finally have my Wii U! And it's AWESOMUA!!! Xbox one down! Station 4 GO! Wii U, Wii U! Sorry that joke had to get out..... :idea:
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I'm looking for my Wii Friend Code.. I tried what it said in another topic and i don't see the Create a msg option.. What's wrong? Can anyone help please?

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