Battalion Wars 2


WiiChat Member
Nov 9, 2007
Hey you Americans,

How's Battalion Wars 2?

Here in Europe we're waiting January 25!

Can we play online against random players or are those damn Friend Codes mandatory?

How does it compare to Battlefield?
It's better than battlefield

random battles & friend code matches coexist

It's a pretty good game
Battlefield as n Battlefield 1942/2/2041???

i didnt like it but thats just me some ppl have lesser values i guess enjoi ;]
Why is it better than battlefield (all versions)?

It flawlessly blends Real Time Strategy and 3rd person shooters. Battlefield is just another shooter.

Btw, I've played the Battlefield series b4.
Arty said:

Good Good Good!

Battlefield 1942 for PC and Battlefield 2: Modern Combat for PS2, that's the two I played.


Wow if u are comparing this 2 Battlefield ur way out of line, this is more like... i have no idea but it nothn compared to those games.

didnt like it cuz i thought it was gunna b like a regular shoot up games like UT, Quake, Gears, where u got cpl ppl on ur team n u do capture the flag or something, but i didnt like the way it was set up n i got it mainly for the online feature which was very poorly done.

well thats wut i get for not renting XD

just saying rent it b4 u buy IMO \
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Thank you for your answers.

I think I'll get MOH Heroes 2 and BW2 together so I have the perfect online FPS experience ;-)
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Thanks Diaoman, just joined the clan.

Can't wait to play with TeamSpeak 2. I did not know that solution. Great idea!
Thanks for joining! Can't wait to start playing MOHH2 together via wifi

Edit: Wait.....can PAL players and North American players play MOHH2 together? Isn't the wii region-locked?
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European PAL release should be around November 30.

The Wii is region locked (until you mod it with a chip) but online game is not. And MOH H2 is not using Nintendo Wi-Fi but EA Nation instead.
I think its locked for random play but if you want to you can go to the us servers. Thats what I thought it was.

Didnt read the article from above
Arty said:
Thank you for your answers.

I think I'll get MOH Heroes 2 and BW2 together so I have the perfect online FPS experience ;-)

I hope you're not under the impression that BW2 is a FPS, because you'll be disappointed. Not saying it's a bad game, but it's not a FPS.
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diaoman said:
see? it confirms that online is region-locked too.

It confirms not: declarations are contradictory. Btw, can someone already owning BW2 tell us if online play looks region locked? (Even if EU and JP versions are not out already). Or maybe someone who own Mario Strikers Charged, which is available everywhere in the world?

Regarding MOH H2, this is a different question because it's dependant of EA Nation, not Nintendo Wi-Fi. Maybe we should ask at the official forum.

diaoman said:
And what's the time difference between Pacific Time and France Time (# of hours)?

Currently (France observes DST so we are in CET) there are 9 hours of difference.

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