loll wow i was actually gonna say was your motto inappropriate! :lol:

i actually did the exact same thing. i was like WHY THE F*** did i get banned? then i found out like a day later that my friend submitted bad feedback on me for an inappropriate motto. and sure enough just like you...i checked and it said CODE OF CONDUCT! lmao. except mine was much worse than calling someone thats also probably why i got a week instead of a day.
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  • #18
hoogasian5 said:
so i should change mine from
I LOVE YOU BILL GATES :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:
yeah, great idea! feed bills ego even more. lol

it wasnt a big deal cause i ended up just borrowing my friends gamertag anyways. lol way to cheat the system.
What oh my that odd to get ban from actually xbox live thats not right did you call up and tell em fix this

i never heard of anyone getting ban from xbox live
What do you mean you've never heard of anyone getting banned from xbox live? :lol: :lol: people get banned for all sorts of reasons.
Inceptor said:
What do you mean you've never heard of anyone getting banned from xbox live? :lol: :lol: people get banned for all sorts of reasons.

I mean for no reason at all is strange look i dont go on xbox live as much i might just download update for xbox 360 and game update constant download.
But it wasn't for no reason at all, he had an inappropriate motto, so there was a reason. They don't ban you for nothing.
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  • #24
iamdeath said:
oh i thought he got ban for nothing
yeah it was my fault, it took me a day to realize what the ban was for i was so heated at first though.

anybody remember that 8,000 year ban for playing halo 3 the day before it came out? lol i believe it was a pirated version.
Yeah! I remember that hahah

On the 360 forum there was a post about cheaters. It said that Microsoft are now deleting peoples gamerpoints for cheating, and making it obvious to other users that they are cheaters, it showed a picture showing a gamer picture with 'I'm A Cheater' on. I'm not saying you're a cheater at all Senses! Just that bit about the ban for playing Halo early reminded me of it lol
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  • #27
me and my friend shot rockets at the ground during the breakout of hardcore search and destroy a few nights ago (we dont usually do this type of thing but everyonce in a while u jsut get bored of the main game and need a laugh) and it jsut so happened an xbox live admin was on the opposite team so he threatened us with a one week ban for "cheating". but we had a private chat with him and he turned otu to be really cool and let us off the hook. learned my lesson. lol
**** ill prolly be banned for all that. i broke every rule lol
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  • #29
**** ill prolly be banned for all that. i broke every rule lol

hey, i dont know if your new here or if your old account got deleted in the mess that just happened, but just to let you know WiiChat recently had some data loss and everything that happened after march 2008 was deleted, including threads, peoples post counts, accounts made after that date, everything.

so when posting in a thread, please make sure you check the dates of the original post. things chould be back to normal around here soon and all the out dated threads will eventually be pushed back to page 2 and further but for now try not to necro post.

maybe we should have somthing stickied somwhere on this, just until the old threads get pushed back.
What's the big deal? It's kinda a blast from the past, I had missed some of these old threads. As for the topic of the thread, I wonder what level of avoidance they ban you, for instance my rep isn't very good b/c I piss people off when I go 20+ kills and 5- deaths and then I talk some smack when people deserve it.

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