Band name =\

tloztw said:
hmm.. well we're trying not to get into screamo, but its not light rock either, its kind of hard to categorize since i've only wrote a handful of things..

some of us came up with a few names like-
-beyond redemption ( too wussy though)
-deteriorating society (sounded too emo)
-blood intoxication (havent talked about that one yet)
-fallen reality (havent talked about it either)

any of these particularly alright in anyones opinion?

Sounds like names of one of those here today gone tomorow bands

Decorateing reality
Reality needs a good decorater
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Darkprinny said:
Sounds like names of one of those here today gone tomorow bands

Decorateing reality
Reality needs a good decorater
nah im not like someone who just trys something out then gives up. and you have no holes? you need them to breathe.
Eyes to the ava
It kinda explains it
@ floydd - you can keep about Scattered Droppings?

@ idjut - what kind of jingles?
start a wiichat jingle thread... and post an MP3 of your voice singing it :yesnod: or Mario Kart Wiii jingle..
Its always best making a name by combining random words together, that way its easier to say the story behind it if you make it big.

Blue Blood
The Shivers

I can't really think of many random words right now, but that would be your best bet. Even 3 random words together.
Stop For Death
Screaming Zucchinis

obviously, I jest...

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