Ban the user above you!

Pikachu256 said:

FTW = For The Win

Banned For Asking What FTW Means
I'm sorry, I know you're not above me, but I must ban you for thinking that FTW means "For the Win". It means "****s the World"

Only n00bs say for teh win.
I shall ban you n00bs backwards.

nosrep evoba eht nab ton did ohw enoemos gninnab rof dennab
laderer5 said:
Banned for being a fan of Ganon-Dork :lol: i made that up
Lol...Notice the title say ban user ABOVE you!
Banned for making up a lame joke about Ganondorf!
No hard feelings I don't mean this stuff:scared: JKJK
Banned for not meaning things you say:lol:

He posted seconds before i did while i was typing :lol:

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