Ban the user above you!

Banned for saying what i said which you should be banned for for saing it or we both could or just me or you what do you think well I think that i want to look @ the k mart wal mart target best buy adds button they dont com for at least 7-8 hours so im made and i want to do some thing and i want my 360 back microsoft stoll it and i want to kill them and. The wii will take over the world and wii will all have a great chriastmas and we find the real meaning of chrisstmas and i hope and wonder if you relly read this all button itwas fun and i dont like how my ipod touch has a spell checker thing and it messes up whwn i tpye see what i mean ahhhhh o bye the way im not crazt
Well you guys should be banned for hating long post and you only haveing short post hunn what wrong with long post mayb people want to read a story huuuu ? Mayb streangthen there vocblary so they. Can win a spelling bee button now you have to hate ok the long poster huu whos cray now huu o u hae a very bad vocly for a short post ok im done 4 now mayb i dont tjis is quite fun im geting fast at type ok my ipod i might just go ok for ever now so what are you up to what were whwn now long well i need to sleep bit sleeping is bori g so im not going to doo you like to sleep ? Well do you like prestwnt bush i think he has gine crazy dont you think all he want is money sending all thise soliders thee for now reason there not the ones who attacked us we just attacted them for there oil or should i say bush attacked them for there oil i cant stand what hes doing to the world ok suprised he has nt got assassinayed yet have you ? Ok why are you going to ban me now 4 a long post ? Hating bush ? Trying to guess why im going to get banned or what? Whas next we all die and the worlds over then were do we go were do are minds go rellllllllly think about that ok !

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