i said that cuz kanon plays football.
i dont like football personaly, i know how 2 play it, and i can play it if i have 2
i prefer soccer or b-ball or tennis.
but baseball sucks more >:F
id play football before base ball
I hate football, it's just a bunch of over-grown, smelly men tackling each other! xD J/K I like basketball better, though. Ban everyone because I have the higher authoritah! xD
hmm a baseball fan
i like baseball better also, played 9 years of it, who do u want to win, like i said awhile back GO YANKEES, i think football is bettr 2 watch, i like the steelers
Hmm i hope philies win and then yankees can finish it at New york.Basketball is better but football is good.I am a boxer/wrestler at my school so i like those sports more than any.