Ban the user above you!

Hmmmmm.... *Bowser drooling*
I want BK!:lol: As in BK I mean BowserKing.:lol: J/k

I want Carls Jr.!:lol:

"Bowser's an evolve form... Of a Squirtle! Yeah! (insturmental music plays)"

That made me lol

Song: Smells like Bowser (joke off of "smells like teen spirit" by Nirvana)
Artist: Stupid Mario Bros

Utube it
I ban you for calling me luigi.Its DG.

@KingB i could get that but where is it?
Well get me one.Whos stopping you!?:lol:
Fine...ill get you 6 mini burgers from white castle.1 box of pizza,the toppings are peporoni and brown beef.A black jack taco.A mash bowl from KFC with fries.A triple cheese burger from BK.Happy?
1. nice food choices LUIGI, if u take one bite of that crap u will have a heart attack
2. didnt know you can give food to others over internet just by handing it 2 them
3. idc wat i call you LUIGI, y use luigikart3 if you wanna be called DG, call me Bros then
Look idc about anything really anymore, it just SOOO god dang annoying, look im good at brawl and if u ask me one of the BEST at cod5, but i dont brag

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