Ban the user above you!

WRONG! I cannot lose by you mister.:p You see, I'm-a type a guy who doesn't give up! No matter how smart you can be or not even try to be smart, there is always someone out there to beat you.:p Who is it you say? Me baby!:lol: I won the battle.:) Wait, scratch that, I won the WAR!!! KingBowser is now pleased.:lol:

I ban you! Please exit the ban of shame and go... Thank you.:p

*sniff* that was beautiful...
those words inspire me...

I ban...
DG for stealing my teammate
KingBowser for ditching me AND making the webpage too wide with a bowser zoomed in
kikae for having such a horrible ban.

I didn't ditch you my fellow friend.:D You forgive me?:p
WRONG! I cannot lose by you mister.:p You see, I'm-a type a guy who doesn't give up! No matter how smart you can be or not even try to be smart, there is always someone out there to beat you.:p Who is it you say? Me baby!:lol: I won the battle.:) Wait, scratch that, I won the WAR!!! KingBowser is now pleased.:lol:

I ban you! Please exit the ban of shame and go... Thank you.:p

Doesn't matter if u give up or not
Either way u're dead
If u think u'll beat me, that's fine
Cuz in reality u know u can't
without that "hope" u won't even pose as a threat
Just remember, it ain't over till there's 1 man left standing
And that, my over confident enemy, is me standing over ur corpse

Wth said, I banish u once more to nvr return to the land of Cephlic
You're lost kid.:p I don't think, I know!:lol: In real life, comparing me to you... You'll be sorry.:p I know you lost.:lol:

I banish you to the neatherealmah!:lol:
@ kanon why u so confient that u will win?
kingbowser can jack a tank from the military, break into ur house and kill u and run over ur corpse.

bad guys never win! hardy har har
Teaming up against me just shows how pathetic alone u r

Banned for havng a 'J' in ur username
I ban...
DG for stealing my teammate
KingBowser for ditching me AND making the webpage too wide with a bowser zoomed in
kikae for having such a horrible ban.

I didn't ditch you my fellow friend.:D You forgive me?:p

Yeah, sure. Why not?

Ban KRKanon for trying to start an argument.

Cool!:lol: You know, to be honest, you're all right.:D:thumbsup:
You're lost kid.:p I don't think, I know!:lol: In real life, comparing me to you... You'll be sorry.:p I know you lost.:lol:

I banish you to the neatherealmah!:lol:

U're the 1 who keeps bringing it back

Ummm.... Okay.:lol::lol:

Teaming up against me just shows how pathetic alone u r

Banned for havng a 'J' in ur username

You saying that to me that I'm pathetic for having teamates? Or you saying it to Mr. RockerJ?

Harsh dude.:( To be honest with you man, I thought you were cool and nice guy and also smart, but you went off the line man.:p

I'm sorry I have to say this, but I ban you because none of this would happen if you said "Epic Fail!":p
Eh, ban me!:lol: Why? I got your girls(remember from the bacon thread) and they are at my private island at the pool.:ihih:

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