Ban the user above you!

Banned for banning kannon.(I know its spelled kanon,just wanna get on his nerves:lol:)
banned for favoring animals
(ur ava=cat and brawl sig=rat (yes Pikachu is a rat) and hedgehog)
You 3 are ban for not banning people with good bans.

Well unlike you i like to have fun...

I ban you for having an arcade title,for banning 3 people at the same time,and most importantly for being a writer.:lol:

@Sonic i ban you because you didnt ban hero you banned kannon:lol:(kanon)
I ban you for having a yahoo.:lol:

That reminds me.I like yoo-hoos.(Go ahead ban me for that...)
At least I have one!:lol:

I ban you because what the hell is yoo-hoos.:lol:

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