Bad picture quality using components on large tv sets


WiiChat Member
Nov 20, 2006
I was so disappointed in the picture quality when using the Nintendo component cables and the Wii set to 480p. I have a 60" lcd and all I see are whole bunch of pixelated artifacts. For those of you with large sets, is this common?
The sad thing is that the RCA and the Component are both set for 480 just one is 480I and the other is 480p so you really dont gain anything with the component set up. To anwser your question it all depends on the refresh frame rate on your LCD for the pixelated arifacts. if your tv has error correction or digital correction ..Ect (differant with every TV) Turn it off that might help some
i have a 52inch rca hdtv and my wii looks great on it with my component cables.the cables made it so much crisper and clearer. and really helped with the sound aswell.
fewfirstchoice said:
i have a 52inch rca hdtv and my wii looks great on it with my component cables.the cables made it so much crisper and clearer. and really helped with the sound aswell.

How are you getting better sound out of Component cables?:hand:

My Philips 37" LCD has a very good tuner/scaler built in and while the picture quality is not "next gen" with the composites, I do not see it getting much better pricewise with the component.
i think its all in his head :smilewinkgrin:

but with the original post i think he is referring to 'jaggies'

before with the composite cables you had more blurred edges, so in themselves may have seemed smoother than they are now. remember that the wii graphics arent made to be awesome, now with the component cables you are seeing them more clearly, and as they are actually coded.

i think the wii sports bowling shows this off quite badly, but in general the picture is way nicer with the components..
no its not in my head.i have surround sound hooked up to my tv.the cables have the higher quality copper to make for a better connection.the other cables can not connect aswell.ill put it this way,yur componet cables have a pr,pb,and y connection cable for video.then they also have (stay with me now heres the tricky part), 2 audio cables.u know what allows the sound out of the speakers.these cables have higher quality metal and better connection.this is how my sound is better.ya know if half the people just understood how to connect and tune their tv the correct way we could avoid all this posting.

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