Australian Wii Price Drop

Wiily Good

WiiChat Member
Oct 28, 2006
I am posting this because, to me, the Wii is too young to have a price drop.

In Australia, K-Mart, in their latest catalogue is advertising Wiis for $359. That is a $40 price drop. K-Mart has had Wiis below $400 before but only in packages like "Ratitouille and a Wii for $450", but not Wiis just by themselves.

Its not like the Wii is selling poorly in Australia, I guess now that now there is more supply in Australia, Wii sales are really picking up.


You can see from the graph, the sharp upturn of the line around June. I guess the drop may just be a temporary, "Hook 'em in now for Christmas" drop. But it could be a sign of things to come.
probly just trying to sell some before christmas, with galaxy and metroid on their way it mite be a good marketing scheme. besides that, ps3 and 360 have gone down in price too..
wii better not price drop, its not time.

probably just k mart trying to sell some overstock or something.

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