Australian Magazine Wii Guide


WiiChat Member
Aug 5, 2006
Australia, Perth
Wii Online Code
Hey, just came back from the shops and i bought a Wii Buyers Guide:
"Australian Gamepro presents Ultimate Buyers Guide Nintendo Wii"
The pages are A5 and theres 95. Its got info on every Launch Title and previews of 2007 titles. Its got one page for each game and its got the prices of all the addons for your wii. Its kinda sponsored by EB games. The only queer thing about it is it's price, it was kinda a rip but it was related to wii so i coudnt not buy it :) It was 9.95AUS. You could probably get a Magazine twice as big in size and pages for the same cost but meh. Yeah, i might scan some pages later.
I might wander down tomorrow morning and grab me a copy of this
lol saw this at the shops had a flick through and saw "the sensor bar produces a3d playing are in front of your tv" lo nah nah it doesn;t
Any idea if there is a US version of this mag and where it can be purchased in person or online?

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