Australia: No online MOH:H2 For You

Yer there you go, I shouldve taken a photo of the booklet to use as evidence, but its clear that we dont have it, and they originally stated we did, I was cautious already as I didnt see the Wi-Fi logo on the back of case, but after being told by EA for months it was indeed 32 player online I bought it....obviously falsely advertised, I returned the game, apparently along with 3 other people who returned it the day after it was released, all for the same reason, EA had ripped us Aussies off, AND without an explanation to top it off, as far as I know there STILL hasnt been a report on why we missed out, and why EA never told us we wouldnt have the online, I'm sure this is a feature which wouldnt have been removed in one day, they would of thought it over and perhaps there were limtations with srtting up servers here. The excuses wouldnt interest me, I wanted a 32-player online experience with my Wii, EA promised but they didn't deliver, not only that they managed to deliver it to the rest of the world bar Australia and offered no explanation or proof as to a removal of this service from our version. The single-player experience alone is no where near enough to vailidise purchasing this game, it is typical WWII affair, with terrible graphics yet expected excellent controls, but the main focus must of been on the online mode, cos the campaign sucked of what I played of it, and the Multiplayer option wasnt even available, not that it didnt work, it just didnt exist.
Very bad business decision on EA's side, and one that I hope tarnishes its image in Australia, it is a ruthless company and one that is slowly losing market value and dominance, despite co-owning so many different developers and companies, and I'm sure it is due to business decisions such as this. Mistake right here, and as of now I shall not be buying anymore EA products, please to any Australians there, do NOT buy MOH;H2, show that Australia have a right to get the product promised to them, and the rest of the world, and that we dont deserve 2nd rate versions, limited from the online use promised to us months ago, and to those that HAVE bought it, return to the store you got it from, claiming fraudulant, misleading advertisement of a product, and hopefuly EA will change their tune, though I feel it may be too late....
instead of reading deanis's Great Wall of Text, you could instead spend that time selling your wii and games on ebay for a good chunk of money, then buying a used 360 with cod 4.

(that's seriously a suggestion, not being a 360 fanboy)
Haha, i was merely trying to think up a basis of a lawsuit, lmao. Look I might buy a 360, but after playing Wii and PC...h o m g, the 360s controller sucks. Like really badly, its uncomfortable to grip, the buttons and sticks never feel 100% accurate, and after playing console games for 10yrs with typical controls and then going to a Wii, i just cant go back... So I'm still waiting for quality titles and in the meantime most of them are on I wait.
Yer I cant be arsed supporting your company anymore?
Whaat you gonna do? Sue me?...oh no wait thats what i want to do to you you lazy ass rich ****ers...
You telling me a multibillion-dollar company didnt have $10,000 spare to set up stable servers in Australia? Well their ****ing loss, big time, cos I can bet you no one will buy the game after they find out,...loss of 10k? more like 1mill...
Obviously this sucks worst for Aussies, but it really hurts any Wii owner hoping for more of the same. They just lost 95% of their potential Aussie sales, and every extra sale helps the margin for this game as dollar of input compares with dollar of output. The more they strain the game's sales with idiotic stunts like this, the worse that ratio looks, and the less likely others are going to be willing to make high quality, well controlled games like this for Wii (as if the deck isn't already heavily stacked against the FPS genre).

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