Attachment Rants

If you hold the zapper with 1 hand you can't use the analog on the nunchuck. Which really shouldn't be much of a problem for RE: UC
vagrant said:
If you hold the zapper with 1 hand you can't use the analog on the nunchuck. Which really shouldn't be much of a problem for RE: UC
Nor for Ghost Squad. I'm quite looking forward to it - LAN and internet 4 player on rails shooter (for which the zapper is pretty much intended for in my opinion).
Alright, whatever, maybe it gives you a sense of realism with a wide array of weapons. I don't really see how you might feel like you're handling a shotgun when you're holding a light piece of plastic that resembles an SMG, but I guess that's just great for you, eh?
I have a feeling that more and more Wii games will begin having multiple sets of controls just like Super Smash Bros. BRAWL will. On SSBB you can use Wiimote, Mote/Chuck, Gamecube, or Classic and they all work fine. Just like i'm sure you will be able to play Mario Kart Wii without the wheel.

I personally like this idea. It means I can play my Wii even if I'm tired of standing up all day...all I have to do is change control styles and sit down and have a good time playing my favorite game.
Spyro said:
I have a feeling that more and more Wii games will begin having multiple sets of controls just like Super Smash Bros. BRAWL will. On SSBB you can use Wiimote, Mote/Chuck, Gamecube, or Classic and they all work fine. Just like i'm sure you will be able to play Mario Kart Wii without the wheel.

I personally like this idea. It means I can play my Wii even if I'm tired of standing up all day...all I have to do is change control styles and sit down and have a good time playing my favorite game.
You play any control style standing up? There's only two games that I stand up for, that's Warioware and Wiisports (that's if I have room and in bowling/boxing).

But ye, the different contol schemes should stop the worries of franchises being ruined by having to use motion controls. In essence, they're kept the best parts of the old controller, and thrown in the best of the new parts.
hey does anyone know if it is possible to use the shotgun for resident evil 4? cause i have seen how the controlls work and i know were they are but im not shure if there is any disconfort or any ways of not being able to use certain buttons when playing and gamespot really has no clue at all soo your my only help. soo thx.
re4 with shotgun controller? help.

hey does anyone know if it is possible to use the shotgun for resident evil 4? cause i have seen how the controlls work and i know were they are but im not shure if there is any disconfort or any ways of not being able to use certain buttons when playing and gamespot really has no clue at all soo your my only help. soo thx.