Atari prototypes! Atari unreleased handheld!

Super breakout? As in the game? I love that game...

As for the fossil I'm currently looking at, good god- TV remote!
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Dont forget
A lot of older handhelds looked like that
And me beein a lover of all things that go "bleep" id like this in my collection
(I do have a VERY old LED football game the date on it is from the 70s)
261311 said:
Super breakout? As in the game? I love that game...

As for the fossil I'm currently looking at, good god- TV remote!
Yeah, what kind of retarded console would be controlled by a remote!


*Looks at wiimote, looks at atari prototype... looks back at wiimote*
I was referring to the fact that it looks like a TV remote from back then as well <_<

The original gameboy didn't look like that, same dull colours but still.

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