Assassin's Creed 2 Coming to Wii (rumored)


WiiChat Member
Oct 25, 2007
Assassin's Creed 2 Coming to Wii?

It's coming sooner than later, and to a new platform as well.
April 16, 2009 - Though we've already seen the teaser, which is as good an announcement as any, Ubisoft today made the officially official announcement of Assassin's Creed II. While we already knew it was coming, one interesting bit of info is included within the text - a holiday 2009 release window on all current-generation systems, which reads to us like it's hitting the PS3, Xbox 360 and Wii (and probably the PC as well). Note that the first title never hit Nintendo's latest console.
If there's an Assassin's Creed on the Wii anytime soon, it won't be the AC2 that the 360 and PS3 are getting.
Yeah, this will a must buy for me. The Wii rules!!
I want they take full advantage of the Wii's motion controls and include motion+ support like Red Steel 2, and yes I want a game as close posible to the xbox360/ps3 (near the graphics quality) counterparts but with far better controls and all the features...
I ended the first one on my PC for that reason I wanted AC2 for Wii and not the first!!
Some pople say that they want a completelly different game than the xbox360/ps3 versions, but this not working!!
I want it as most realistic posible, not a poor cartoonish style. The Wii is perfectly capable to do that!!
Anyways, Thanks Ubisoft and Mr. Guillemont to listen us and bring this game to the Wii!!
its a rumor(a really unlikely one at that)

its not guaranteed to come out on the Wii. i wouldn't get your hopes up
It is likely to come out on wii.... However the wii can't cope with high qualaty graphics therfore I might order it on PS3 or PC
It is likely to come out on wii.... However the wii can't cope with high qualaty graphics therfore I might order it on PS3 or PC

Well, if you see how good looks Assassin Creed for the PSP. You think the Wii can do far better than that...
I hope Ubisoft surprise us the next year with this masterpiece for the Wii...
not gonna happen

i remembered @ the GameStop website it was up for reservation then the next day it was gone
besides the graphics have gotta be really REALLY lower to be a wii game

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