Confirmed: Assassin Creed 2 coming to Wii

Is there any point? What about Wii owners that didn't play the first one? I can understand if it has nothing to do with the first one but if they do, it is quite silly.

However I wouldn't mind a good spinoff with controls like Spiderman: WoS.
no way!!

I'm completely sure assasin creed 2 comes to wii. Yeah!!

And i invite all of you wii owners to buy this great title and support the hardcore games on wii!!

We together will finally convince these stupids wiixbox360 and wiips3 owners to preffer the far better wii version instead the sucky xbox360/ps3 versions.

Yes, you're right: I'm a BIG Wii FANBOY!!
But let me be clear, I'm a hardcore gamer and I support every hardcore game coming to Wii, at this time I have almost 80 Wii games in my collection and all are hardcore games. The mayority are from third-parties and only few are first-party Nintendo titles (of course hardcore first-party), I don't like the crappy and kiddy games and I will never support them. I hate soo much the xbox360 and the ps3, becose I have a hight-end PC with far better graphics than these consoles and some of the best PC titles emigrating to these consoles and the sequels never back to PC, the PC market is losing some of the deep franchises cause of these consoles. That is one reason, the other is the monopoly that Microsoft and Sony force to the games market, paying lots of money to third-parties to deliver AAA tiltes to their consoles, leaving Nintendo consoles and PC games apart. This is a very bad practice!!
The're destroying the game market!!
The third-parties are now wrong accustomed to receive money in change of good titles!!
Third-party says: "If you don't pay me tons of money, I will never deliver to you AAA titles and you only receive crappy games" You know what I mean...
And third reason, I recognice the Wii's controls are far better than any game device, even far better than PC, xbox360 and ps3 combined. I was a huge PC gamer adict, but when the Wii comes everything changes, now I'm play almost 8 hours everyday my Wii and only 1 or 2 hours my PC. There's something very good that Nintendo did with the Wii to this happen!!
I played Assassin Creed on my PC and I imagine how great will be control Altair's attacks using Wiimote gestures, will be simply AMAZING!!

Now with AC2 coming to Wii, this will happen!!
For all Wiixbox360 and Wiips3 owners that complaint if AC2 Wii will be a watered down port, you're totaly wrong. Is demostrated that with huge effort the Wii games will be better than the xbox360/ps3 versions, that is really happening. The last year and this year appeared some games better on Wii like PES2008 and 2009, ShaunWhite, Tiger Woods and others coming: Virtua Tennis 2009, Silent Hill, RE:UC2, The Conduit, Ghostbusters..etc. And this amount will be increasing in the future, following the fundamental rule: graphics as close the next-gen counterparts, far better controls and all the same modes and features the others versions have.
Yes, you're right: I'm a BIG Wii FANBOY!!
But let me be clear, I'm a hardcore gamer and I support every hardcore game coming to Wii, at this time I have almost 80 Wii games in my collection and all are hardcore games. The mayority are from third-parties and only few are first-party Nintendo titles (of course hardcore first-party), I don't like the crappy and kiddy games and I will never support them. I hate soo much the xbox360 and the ps3, becose I have a hight-end PC with far better graphics than these consoles and some of the best PC titles emigrating to these consoles and the sequels never back to PC, the PC market is losing some of the deep franchises cause of these consoles. That is one reason, the other is the monopoly that Microsoft and Sony force to the games market, paying lots of money to third-parties to deliver AAA tiltes to their consoles, leaving Nintendo consoles and PC games apart. This is a very bad practice!!
The're destroying the game market!!
The third-parties are now wrong accustomed to receive money in change of good titles!!
Third-party says: "If you don't pay me tons of money, I will never deliver to you AAA titles and you only receive crappy games" You know what I mean...
And third reason, I recognice the Wii's controls are far better than any game device, even far better than PC, xbox360 and ps3 combined. I was a huge PC gamer adict, but when the Wii comes everything changes, now I'm play almost 8 hours everyday my Wii and only 1 or 2 hours my PC. There's something very good that Nintendo did with the Wii to this happen!!
I played Assassin Creed on my PC and I imagine how great will be control Altair's attacks using Wiimote gestures, will be simply AMAZING!!

Now with AC2 coming to Wii, this will happen!!
For all Wiixbox360 and Wiips3 owners that complaint if AC2 Wii will be a watered down port, you're totaly wrong. Is demostrated that with huge effort the Wii games will be better than the xbox360/ps3 versions, that is really happening. The last year and this year appeared some games better on Wii like PES2008 and 2009, ShaunWhite, Tiger Woods and others coming: Virtua Tennis 2009, Silent Hill, RE:UC2, The Conduit, Ghostbusters..etc. And this amount will be increasing in the future, following the fundamental rule: graphics as close the next-gen counterparts, far better controls and all the same modes and features the others versions have.

I wasn't aware that there were 80 hardcore games for Wii. But I guess it's all in the eye of the beholder... That's great that you have a good PC and all, but some people prefer great console games. One of the reasons I prefer games like CoD4 for the PS3 is that it's a hell of a lot easier to play with friends. Gaming is a very social hobby, and I think many devs are forgetting that. Plus, splitscreen is always a huge plus for me when I have some friends over.

But do you really play 9+ hours a day gaming? That's not even hardcore, that's exreme. Do you have a job, or go to school? Because it would be awfully hard to succeed and play maybe more than 3 hours a day. Or even less...

Finally, you have no idea what AC2 will be like on Wii. Maybe because...oh I don't know, they haven't even released a confirmation or information about it. Actually if it weren't for GameInformer, for all we'd know, this game could be a package of mini-games across all consoles. Stranger things have happened.
I'm not going to get my hopes up. Newly announced games are always listed for every platform.
I was a huge PC gamer adict, but when the Wii comes everything changes, now I'm play almost 8 hours everyday my Wii and only 1 or 2 hours my PC. There's something very good that Nintendo did with the Wii to this happen!!

Really? 10 hours of gaming? Do you sleep?
No, you don't understand. The 8 hours in total are 5 of Wii + 2 or 3 of PC = 8 , but right now I only play my Wii, aswering the other questions: Yes I work, from 7:00AM to 3:00PM and I start playing my Wii at 5:00PM.
No, I never leave this forum, becose this forum is one of the most popular around the net, I completely sure the developers and publishers visit this site to know what we think about their games.
I know Assassin Creed, becose I ended the game and I imagine how great will be the Wii version of AC2.
You enjoy the Ps3 online capabilities playing with friends, but the Wii has these online capabilities too and is catching the xbox live service soon. The reason why this not happen now is becose the developers don't take advantage of the online features yet. I hope this will happen by the end of the year and the Wi-fi will be a standard for the next Wii games, leave the friend codes apart and explode the freedom Wi-fi features and DLC.

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