Ashamed of Wii sports Tennis

Tennis is okay, Out of the WiiSports collection I'd have to go with Bowling...
and I was slightly disappointed with Baseball, sure batting is fun... but the fact it doesn't follow baseball rules got to me.

I definitely spend more time playing Trauma Center, and Rayman more.
My fave is Tennis in Wii Sports. Even though U can't control where you move, I think it's pretty sleek how you can do slices and different shots depending on how you move your remote ;)
Golf for me.... by a distance.

Bowling is annoying the crap out of me now (due o my inability to bowl over 200 with any regularity), and baseball is frustrating. Boxing.......... don't even get me started.
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tennis is my fave at the moment , it gets alot more fun as the AI goes up.

I like everything but boxing , maybe i need to give it more of a chance.