Arms tired no more!

oxhaker said:
im not complaining...ive stood for not that everyone does, but ive heard hundreds of people (varius sites and friends) complain because the were playing cod3 for 4 hrs straight......
I wasn't really talking to you (Hell! if I owned an $80 gaming chair, best believe my ass is going to be sitting in it) I was mostly talking to the people you were refering to who complain about and down games because they're arms get tired.
Every Wii owner who's arms don't get tired, receives a prize.
Call Nintendo for it.
i have one of those chairs. but
1. i barely ever use it, in cat sleeps on it more than i sit on it.
2. its by my 360 instead of my wii.
3. i find it much easier to play games such as zelda standing. sitting though red steel and mp 3 can be a little easier.
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Dzapper said:
I wasn't really talking to you (Hell! if I owned an $80 gaming chair, best believe my ass is going to be sitting in it) I was mostly talking to the people you were refering to who complain about and down games because they're arms get tired.
i know, i meant just that im not criticizing you guys im just trying to give the complianers a solution...jsut goto youtube and type why the wii sucks, youll proably here complainers....
(hell ive never tried it so i dont no the results and the wii don't suck)
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nope im just pissed at people complaining.....i almost always seems as if no complainers are coming out
Wasn't the point of the wii to get us off our butts? Don't want tired arms? Get an Xbox. Problem solved.


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