Are You Competitive?

I think people are girls more than girls are guys....

Something in the language.....although I'm going to be an English yeah...

The anime avatars are what throw me off lol.

Frogger said:
Well I thought I'd metaphorically get off my ass an type up a thread for once, seeing as I create so little.

So, anyway, on many accounts I've been accused of being too competitive and I don't know if they mean it in a bad way, whether it's in context or not. Actually, I've thought that competition is a big part of my life, and one aspect would be gaming, which I take very seriously in multiplayer. But, any little side game I will fight out to win you at.

I don't know where it came from, perhaps when I was little and my uncle would never let me win at any game. My mother, however she always let me win, but I never went back to play with her, I'd always go to my uncle like I was his little grasshopper. Eventually, my uncle moved out and found a life of his own but he'd come back and play games with me when I was around 7 years old, and he'd still beat me. So I sat at home being a good little girl cranking it up on things like Mario Kart 64. Eveeentually, no one could beat me at it, then I was slightly bored. It's great when something takes you so long to win, but once you're at the top you have nowhere to go.

I suppose it is in my nature being the older child, you can argue with me on this issue, by the way but I think, naturally, we're more competitive from the moment it's "Hey, that God damn baby is getting all the attention" to grades at school. School grades don't matter to me, they once did until I realised that they weren't a test of your ability, it's how well you can tippy toe around the question without having to answer it properly. But, I'd always want to stay on the same level as my friends. I don't know why, but even with little end of unit tests you'd just wait to whoever won. It's not the case in college though because my subjects are no brainers.

Thing is, people see me as always wanting to win, when I thought that this would just be my nature. Yeah, taking away my competitive streak would only leave one aspect to my personality left; sarcasm. Maybe it's possibly gave me motivation in life to not suck as much as I should do but I'm pretty much liking it.

Seriously, though, if my five year old cousin plays me on the Wii I was no way in hell going to let him win, the kid has to learn. ;)

How about yourselves?
aye !
I'm a middle child, because of this I'm competative.

To be noticed and stand out in the family I try to do well.. not that I've got much to come up against, older sister = Dropped out of school when she was 17 because she was pregnant. Other sister = 26 year old chav with 2 kids living in a shitty council flat in rough area with stupid ass chav boyfriend who's on probation.

While me = As, Bs and Cs in my subjects, second year of college, have my work displayed on the walls in college. My teachers have told me I stand out from the class because of my ideas, know what I want to do in life, etc.

Also competative in sports/games. I was always rather good at sports in school, I never did it much but when I did I was always one of the good ones. The last year all we did was play basketball, we'd never played it before and when we started I was one of if not the best in my class and could get around anybody with the ball so everyone was pretty shocked, guess I was like an underdog as all the 'sporty it girls' thought they were the **** and then I'd kick their ass every week. I'd also have a go at anything.. first year in comp tried out for the footy team, tackled everyone got the ball most of the time, set up a few goals and almost scored once or twice myself but didn't get on the team because of a sexist coach.