Are you bored with life?


WiiChat Member
Mar 21, 2012
Do you ever have those days where you are extremely bored and feel like everything is pointless?
When I see that people like Justin Beiber can be famous it makes me question the meaningful-ness of this world...

Nah, great relationship, my job is something a bunch of video games are based off of, I'm physically fit and have been taught to kill people in any way possible, I'm too awesome to be bored with life. Everydays an adventure.

Not precisely bored... sorta sick... when I see all the Hipocratic people, and those who only live to destroy others in the world and I start imagining all the future treats... of the world of tomorrow... but life is life... it has to be lived :sick:
My "life" is as quiet, boring, and uneventful as it could possibly be. I ain't got no schedule to follow nor events to look forward to, and I'm rather severed from the outside world since I live in the middle of nowhere. Yep.

... And by god, I wouldn't want it any other way. :D One of the greatest aspects in life, is simply not living it at all. A seldom known truth, indeed.

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