Are good Graphic's killing the 360?

I love my 360 'n' all but...I'm not seeing many games that interest me personaly coming up...

I loathe Halo and Gears of War seemed boring (I might rade it in really soon).

The only genres seem to be sports titles and shooting games which gets old really fast...

The only games I'm looking forward to 360 wise currently are Assassins Credd, Fable 2 and Resident Evil 5...all of which are probably a while off yet :(.

To be honest I think I only got a 360 because of how badly I wanted Dead Rising :p (Totally worth it)
Sovieto said:
o rly?
lets see how man scored above 8.5 on ign
only 1! ZELDA (to be fair 2 scored 8.4 though, but still means they're average games)
shall i give you a list of a few good 360 games?
rainbow six vegas
gears of war
lost planet
and lets look on ign,.....
wow they all got a 8.5 or above!

I laugh at you for following someone else's words. I'd rather play for myself and decide. Everyone likes Grand Theft Auto, but I hate it. See there? I just dissed something that always gets good ratings. Simple as that.
Jay61 said:
I love my 360 'n' all but...I'm not seeing many games that interest me personaly coming up...
To be honest I think I only got a 360 because of how badly I wanted Dead Rising :p (Totally worth it)

Actually gears of war is a really fun game, the art direction was very well done. As for upcoming games, have you checked out Mass Effect yet? I think GTA will be good as well.

I have to agree that Dead Rising is one of the best games i have played in awhile. Its just fun.
VampiricLugia said:
I laugh at you for following someone else's words. I'd rather play for myself and decide. Everyone likes Grand Theft Auto, but I hate it. See there? I just dissed something that always gets good ratings. Simple as that.
i was going by ratings mate..:wink:
To be fair that ratings rant wasn't really fair (Bugger looking for the quote).

You mention these "good games" but fail to realise most (Infact all I think..I could be wrong...) came out a while after the 360 did, where as the Wii is new so it only has launch titles and a few new releases to compare with.

Anyway reviews are usually utter bollocks...IGN gave Sonic Heroes like 7 or something.

Oh and Super Paper Mario got 8.9 on IGN so thats another one.
Jay61 said:
To be fair that ratings rant wasn't really fair (Bugger looking for the quote).

You mention these "good games" but fail to realise most (Infact all I think..I could be wrong...) came out a while after the 360 did, where as the Wii is new so it only has launch titles and a few new releases to compare with.

Anyway reviews are usually utter bollocks...IGN gave Sonic Heroes like 7 or something.

Oh and Super Paper Mario got 8.9 on IGN so thats another one.
i was hoping someone would bring this up
and it is a stupid point
because the main post argues that wiis games are better than 360 games as of right now
Shiftfallout said:
What are you talking about, all three consoles have brought something great to the gaming arena. Sony most of all. When the features of each system start showing up on other consoles the gamers will get to experience more, but now is a time of change and each console and their company is offering something special. Sony is doing a great job, despite your bias and sony hate.

What 'great' new things has sony made to the gaming industry this round? (and please dont say their pitiful SIXAXIS or the 'OMFGZ! Bluray')
PtonJalken said:
What 'great' new things has sony made to the gaming industry this round? (and please dont say their pitiful SIXAXIS or the 'OMFGZ! Bluray')

I can already tell from your post that you reek with bias.

To be fair lets look at all the systems and what they are bringing to the table. Each console is offering something great, standardizing certain features that were never before common within console gaming. They are equal, as much as the sony haters would hate to believe. Its true.

All three systems bring Internet play into the mix. At the moment, the xbox has standardized the expectations of solid internet multiplayer gaming. Both the Wii and the PS3 are credited for Standardizing motion control. The Wii brought to the table the idea of fun innovation, showing there is a market for more out of the ordinary forms of gameplay and design.

Both Sony and Nintendo have created a market for portable systems to interact with their main consoles. PsP and DS. Whats microsoft doing? creating their own portable console. Sony and Nintendo standardized motion control. Guess what microsoft is doing, looking into motioncontrol. Console gaming is evolving thanks to every systems contributions and innovations. They are competing so much that in the end they all end up standardizing eachothers features.

So you ask what has sony brought to the table thats important?

Sony, has brought to the table the idea of consoles being open ended systems. This means, like a PC anyone can create content for the system, it runs linux and can be modified to the users preferences. Meaning, total user interface customization (from icons to wallpaper, load screens ...ect). User made content that can be downloaded via web. Small developers can make games like flOW and release it for the PS3 without the need of a DISTRIBUTER. This means, the publisher can be cut out of the cycle for smaller studios. Thats big. Partial User upgradable hardware, meaning if you want another hard drive, you can go to your local electronics store and buy one of your choice no matter the size
The PS3 also brings the full use of HD gaming to the market, as well as being the first to use the higher end medium. This is blue ray. Yes you may hate it, you may not understand it, but its a godsend. Some say its too early to have this type of disc available yet to consumers, but the same could be said for a lot of things. We can garantee now that the next wave of consoles will all either have blue ray or HD-dvd. Look at the game TheDarkness. the developers are making it multiplatform, but the 360 version of the game will include less content than the PS3 version. Why? because the developers have the freedom to use as much space as they require, where as they are fairly limited by the normal dvds used today. GTA, it will be on both 360 and PS3. Its possible for one to include a much larger selection of in game music than the other, higher quality cinematics, higher rez textures if they need the room. More game basically or enhancements per disc. Next gen gaming needs next gen storage space.

Finally the last major feature you will see with the PS3 is the incoporation of brands and advertisements becoming active compontents for free services. Basically, outside revinue helps the consumer and creates a market for connecting online gaming to the rest of the world with no cost to the consumer. This comes from the idea of Free internet gaming. Home is revolutionary.

I focused mainly on sony as per your request, but each system has made gaming better. Each system is bringing something new to the table, and we are starting to see these features becoming standard for console gaming. The first two obvious ones are motion control and internetplay. Innovation and user made content are the new thing. Accessability and luxery. They all play a part and each system offers many aspects of these to varying degrees.
Sovieto said:
i was hoping someone would bring this up
and it is a stupid point
because the main post argues that wiis games are better than 360 games as of right now
Bah, who reads first posts anyway :p

Its obvious the 360s line up will be better when its been out for a whole year though...if it was the other way round it the Wii would have more games than the 360..

I mean seriously, there's no point in discussing something so obvious :wtf:
Yeah I do actually own a 360 as well as a Wii, but you can't deny that the fact the 360 has been out a year has helped gain those exclusives..

Its like..a fact dude :/
MetroidZ said:
good strategy by MS, also 360 is much easier to develop for, compared to ps3.

Depends on how you look at it. The PS3 is not really that difficult to develop for, but the catch is.. is that it requires newer code to program for. A lot of developers are either too lazy or unfamiliar with the newer stuff and thus stick with what they already know. Did that make sense?
see? all these above posts are what you can tell the dude who made the first stupid post..
people annoy me when they say stuff like 360 has better graphics then wii !! No **** dumbass but people act like the wii graphics are like n64 and **** the i mean have thesse peoplle seen super mario galaxy or ssbb

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