anyone see the Halo 3 ending yet? SPOILERS* here it is...

did master chief die? He said it's over then crotona said it was nice working with you spartan 117. Then master chief falls backwards. Is he dead?
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suposedly he doesn't, there is a clip with some text at the very end of the credits but i couldn't read them. it's not in this one though. I'm sure he's gonna comeback as soon as Xbox needs more money:lol:
they cant delete it, many people own the game legitly and youtube is free space.
Wii-Fi said:
yeah they can, copyright infringement has been claimed on many of the other youtube "halo 3 ending" videos.
no, but the game has already been given to many people. if it was like the alpha where no one except the devs were suppose to see it it could be taken off.
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so you're saying the ones that haven't been taken off won't because, microsoft made the mistake of giving these games to the users?
Wii-Fi said:
so you're saying the ones that haven't been taken off won't because, microsoft made the mistake of giving these games to the users?
yeah. once you buy a game or given a game you own it, nothing they can do it unless its stated otherwise.

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