Anyone play games beside call of duty


Ur own personal Homeslice
Mar 31, 2010
Not from the hood...
Wii Online Code
Hey all homieg here

just wanted to know jig any one plays any game besides call of duty. I'm sick of this website having all call of duty threads and everything else. So if u have anyother game wii/ds/anyother console post it here so if I have it I can add u!!!!!

Rule ¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡NO CALL OF DUTY FC EXCHANGES!!!!!!!!
Im trying to get more and more games for the wii.. But I only have 2 online Wii games that aren't CoD. Which are Mario Kart and Madden 08.. But when I'm not playing CoD BO I play The Legend of Zelda Twilight Princess, which is a great game, and especially good for relaxing.
like i said before, i'd be happy to play some mht sometime.
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well i play (on the wii) mostly monster hunter 3 tri
mario kart wii
super smash bros brawl
pokemon battle revolution
animal crossing
I play Brawl, Pokemon, Mario, and other good stuff.

CoD is incredibly overrated. Hate the series. Not saying its bad, just overrated.
Im willing to play any game but the FPS are actually really addictive when you get decent in them.
I don't prefer playing Call of Duty, however Halo is a fun and addicting game for a 1st-person shooter.
However, I no longer own any consoles. I'm savin' up for the Wii U, which (should) be released later this year for NA.

Right now, I own the 3DS (again) and I play Mario Kart 7 on it.
I am planning on getting Super Mario 3D Land tomorrow, just because.

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