Anyone experiencing this?


the guy below- HES BACK!!
Oct 15, 2006
Wii Online Code
i found this on
a person left a comment under some news and was curious if anyone has these problems?

Speaking of football…

Is anyone still experiencing awful lag, drop-outs and console hangs while searching for players in Strikers?

I’ve not played online much, i tried the first weekend and it was so bad i gave up. I tried again this last weekend and had 1 game that seemed laggy but playable. So i figured tonight it’ll be quieter and i’ll have a few online matches. So far i’ve had:

my console lockup after searching for players for ages

numerous people decide 4 our of 5 stars for connection quality isn’t enough so after ages searching it craps out making the search for a game frustrating!

3 matches just crap out (one of which was an intense match in the golden goal stage and that really pissed me off!!)

awful lag just appear out of nowhere during a match. anyone who fancies an international match, i’d suggest you think again!

then just when i thought i’d finally got a match going and was starting to enjoy it, on the second game (of the best of 3) the sound decided to just not be there. some effects were there but mostly it was quiet. so then i had to reboot the damn console to get it back!!

i can understand the service gets thrashed on the first weekend, but on a monday evening i expected it to be relatively stable. i’m all for this free online service provided it’s actually fun and i’m sure eventually it’ll be sorted out, but right now it’s a bloody nightmare.

my internet connection is usually very stable and at 4Mbs so i’m struggling to see how i’m having issues other people aren’t.


Fifa ‘08, the Mii integration does look nice. I did wonder if we’d ever really see 3rd parties using them. It’s a fine line between giving developers access to something that will be unified and yet giving them the freedom to make it personal, it looks like Nintendo may have got it about right. I expect to see a lot more Mii integration like this.

Still waiting for an expansion to the Mii creation toolbox though!
Never had a single issue with it - I think the online experience is fantastic for a first effort. Have you actually speed tested your Wii? You say your on a stable 4Mb, but do you know what the Wii is achieving down and up?

The speedtester below will work fine in the Opera browser on Wii. Over wireless my Wii averages 1525kb/s down and 630kb/s up, ping is around 44ms.
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im in the U.S.. this isnt about me at all... I said, i found this on A person left this message. I was curious to see if anyone had this problem with online... I cant wait to get this game in July!
Well i had good experiences with it when i first tried it (i think it was a mid week,day time)not even a hint of lag or any problem, but i've tried last night and the previous night (once at 4ish and once 8ish) and all of a sudden about a min into the match i've gotten a notice that its "disconnected", i dont know if its the people at the other end quitting or what ever.

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