Anyone else got a Mii from Nintendo?

Maybe one of you (or both) should e-mail Nintendo with the pictures enclosed asking about it? Maybe then we'd receive an official response to this ;)
Can we exchange friend codes with a japanese wii and have them sent us the special mii?? Has anyone tried??
No one would, the Mii is automatically lost from your Wii when you send it to another console (the special ones). There is no way to get it back unless you persude the person you sent it to to send it back, which I doubt they would.
surfinrach90 said:
In Japan people could send Nintendo their mii's and they'd print off a paper mask of their mii's face and then send it to the owner for free. Or something like that.. - like the UK get star points that's one thing they got for theirs

Maybe somebody you added made a mii and put the creator name to Nintendo?

Or the friend had the mii from a Japanese person and sent it on?
Wait, so they have something for UK (star points), they have something in japan (masks), what does US get?
roninjapan said:
Here is the info about this Miis, Sanma
Hehe, that's a good marketing strategy. Still haven't figured out how they got it, though. Unless you guys have a really nice friend on your list who happens to be in Japan.
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unluckylink13 said:
Is your Wii American as well?
Metalthrashingmark's wii is american as he said after this, but my wii is Dutch. I even put the language in Dutch, which sucks really, I should have put it in english, but I thought I can't even put the language to japanese (not sure though).

Major Tom is right, this thread is over now, people keep saying the same things. Maybe the mods should close this one.
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we dont know how you can get it. I just got it without any reason, mtm got it after getting a perfect score in bowling or something like that right?