Anyone else dissapointed by TP length? *Spoilers*

43 hours, 13 minutes, took me to beat ze game. FINISHED TODAY :3

But I got like.. 23 poes... maybe 10 bugs... 13 hearts? Though I gots magic armor.

I even had to use a guide for like... 7 parts D: (I know, I must burn at the stake. BUT MY PUZZLE SKILLS AREN'T GOOD.)

It might only seem short if you played like, 5 hours a day.
Now, if you started during school, where most people can do maybe 3 hours a day...
Then there's a lenghty game.
35 hours: a full row of hearts plus 4, story finished, 20 poes and a hand full of bugs and some exploring done

yeah there werent any hard bosses but I was glad to actual have a sword fight with two of them! very epic

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