Anybody ever play Road Rash?


Jul 11, 2007
Road Rash II was an AWESOME game for Sega Genesis. Probably my favorite. I'd love to see that game on a next/current-gen system. Especially the Wii, using the motion controls. You swing the Wiimote to either side to bash an opponent and knock them off their bike using a weapon of some sort.

Man that game was sweet. If you don't know about it, it's a motorcycle race game where you can use sticks, chains, bats, etc to knock your opponents off their bikes. Online multiplayer would be sweet too. Imagine Mario Kart if it used motorcycles and was rated T or even M.

Edit: heres the wiki
Hell yeah, I loved those games. Also, the lesser known "Skitchin" was plenty of fun and built off the same engine. It was a full-contact race like road rash but you were on rollerblades and you would grab on to the back of cars. I will be the first to admit though that road rash 3d for playstation was awful.
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I never played past the Sega versions. I was too poor to afford anything else. In fact, the Wii is my first system since the PSone which I got 2 years after release for christmas.
Yeah, I'd love it.

I've made a thread on this, well before now, and here's the link:
Just to make the point, that this is how my ideal Road Rash game would be on the Wii:
Squall7 (Me) said:
Here's my thoughts as to why it would be good and how it would work...

- Use the Nunchuck attachment to steer and lean. When going around a corner, you tilt left or right to lean into the corner. Also, this would mean that you can flick your wrist up to pop a wheelie.
- The wiimote itself can be used for the weaponary. I hated it on previous versions how the computer choose which direction you can hit opponents. The weaponary can include all previous weapons and more (i.e. Baseball bats, sledgehammers, cattle prods). Obviously different motions are required for different weapons.
- Online mode. Pretty obvious, play online with everyone, the money you earn could be used in an RPG element of customising bikes, clothes, new weapons etc... Hospital bills and Fines... Pretty much standard.
- Soundtracks can be like Excite Truck - play your own tracks from SD card whilst you race (complete with fading out when you come off your bike and the bike disappears into the background).
- Rag doll physics. This would be excellent for Road Rash as previous games have standard positions and motions. Imagine using Rag doll physics when flying high in the air and landing on your neck, complete with the crunch sounds...
- Gameplay animations. I used to love the little animations on Road Rash 2 on the Mega Drive, and think they would be great for the Wii (obviously not the exact same animations, but cool new ones).

I especially like the idea of Rag Doll physics.
They should release the genesis versions on the virtual console, that'd be sweet, me wanty
The n64 was based on those. same idea just a lot better on genisis. I liked the n64 version but nothing beats road rash 2 on the genisis. I used to play that for hours. They had the rat bikes and sport bikes and super bikes i think it was. I still have the rom for that somewhere too. If it comes out on VC i will be the first one to buy it.:drool:
I freakin loved this. I saw it for sale the other day, if I had the money I would have picked it up instantly..

Oh the memories =]
d4mahern said:
The n64 was based on those. same idea just a lot better on genisis. I liked the n64 version but nothing beats road rash 2 on the genisis. I used to play that for hours. They had the rat bikes and sport bikes and super bikes i think it was. I still have the rom for that somewhere too. If it comes out on VC i will be the first one to buy it.:drool:
Personally, I liked both, but I don't currently have a Mega Drive (UK version of Genesis).

I do have an N64, and I sometimes crack that out with either Perfect Dark, Road Rash 64, or another equally classic game.
My favourite was Road Rash 3DO, one of the few games on that system that was really good. A Wii version could be a whole lot better though, if not then id settle for a N64 VC.
i liked the road rash serious. but it wasn't that great. the n64 version was fun multiplayer~ me and my brother played that tons.

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