Legend of Zelda (NES): Boring...
Romance of the 3 Kingdoms 4: Boring...
Mario Bros: This game is ASS
Ecco the Dolphin: Regret it when Tides of Time came out. Would have gotten that instead. Oh well, Nintendo's all about novelty...
Paper Mario: Boring...Overated...
Columns: Bleh, it's no Tetris, the format is crap and the starting points are ASS
Mario Kart (gasp): ONLY, because this game is boring to play by yourself, otherwise, i'd love it
Romance of the 3 Kingdoms 4: Boring...
Mario Bros: This game is ASS
Ecco the Dolphin: Regret it when Tides of Time came out. Would have gotten that instead. Oh well, Nintendo's all about novelty...
Paper Mario: Boring...Overated...
Columns: Bleh, it's no Tetris, the format is crap and the starting points are ASS
Mario Kart (gasp): ONLY, because this game is boring to play by yourself, otherwise, i'd love it