any new channels coming?

Lol! I have a feeling I won't ever win any votes. I made a plain looking Mii character.

It looks like Nintendo is releasing a new channel every 1-2 months.
id like to see a dedicated media channel for my sd slot. some kind of a media player with some advanced mp3 funtions (repeat, random) that kinda stuff. i hate that i have to go through orb to stream my computer to the wii i wanna just go from the wii itself no internet needed
OMG Mii popularity is very unoriginal and boring. Why can't they just work further on online play or demo channel?
sagema said:
Lol! I have a feeling I won't ever win any votes. I made a plain looking Mii character.

It looks like Nintendo is releasing a new channel every 1-2 months.

That would be cool, until the wii's internal memory runs out. I mean, when nintendo sends the wii user a message, its basically telling them to download the channel and basically forces you to download. And if they keep doing that people are going to run out of internal memory, even if they have a SD card, people wont want to keep swapping the channels on and off the system. Nintendo must release an update to run vc games and channels off the SD card.
If you get what i mean.
Well if that's true we're in for one BIG treat-(bit of evidence of that being true though would help this). A demo channel is a BIG one that would be fun, same with wii world, you'd then be set, (just get updates)-Like the News Channel it says that it's the first version so don't think that it'll be the end, they should also update the weather channel because it's like a day or so old (whereas the news channel get updates hourly)-(they should also make more customisable thinigs for the mii's that'd be pretty good in my opinion).
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rishi 20 said:
its not a game cuz its going to be avadible for dowload june nintendo even said it at there last confrece

i think you have the wrong idea mate, But Wii Music is a game, just like Wii Sports, Wii Play and Wii Health pack (not released yet). Correct me if im wrong, but only correct me with proof.
lee.jarratt said:
That would be cool, until the wii's internal memory runs out. I mean, when nintendo sends the wii user a message, its basically telling them to download the channel and basically forces you to download. And if they keep doing that people are going to run out of internal memory, even if they have a SD card, people wont want to keep swapping the channels on and off the system. Nintendo must release an update to run vc games and channels off the SD card.
If you get what i mean.

It doesn't in any way force them to download but I do agree if we get 7 more channels no one is going to have any memory left

Wii Music is a game
WiiZero said:
It doesn't in any way force them to download but I do agree if we get 7 more channels no one is going to have any memory left

Wii Music is a game

I agree there, but wont customers feel they are been told to update and download, as there is a big 'update' button next to the message, it doesnt say its optional (even though it may be).