Any NES, SNES, etc game ever scare you?

acphydro said:
I was scared during my first playthrough of super mario rpg when i started it up after a long night of playing the next morning there was no save data!!! i reset it and ever since then its been there. Scared the crap right outta me though I lost my SMRPG first playthrough file after not even beating it!!

lol i was at a friends house (he had an SNES) he loaded super mairio world and ther was no save fuile we were both staring at the screen wide eyed until we restarted the system and we felt better lol
I was always afraid to go in cj's house at night in gta because of the rumor of his moms ghost in it.
Kedarshashi said:
lol i was at a friends house (he had an SNES) he loaded super mairio world and ther was no save fuile we were both staring at the screen wide eyed until we restarted the system and we felt better lol

I did that a few weeks ago. My girlfriend and I went to play our Super Mario World 100% completed file and loaded up the game and it wasn't there. Restarting didn't help it was just gone. Haven't had a problem ever since that but it sucked lol.
Kiwi said:
When i was around 6 - 8 the guy with the chain saw in zombies at my neighbors was pretty scary... i never cried about it or anything like that...
my cousins were like 5 when i played dat game and it scared them badly
nevered played it, but i watch a show on the begining of gaming and watching ET the video game on television was scary enough.
Doom 3.......I like the greeeen jelllyy....NO!....the red jelly..liike the blood on the waaallll.....then I SHOOTS 'EM! I SHOOTS DEM DEEAAADD!!!
none of you guys can say you never got scared in Zelda Ocarina of time..... In the graveyard, and especially with those ZOMBIES!!!! the scream and then how they grab you..... but the scariest scream were those darn FAIRYS!!!!! they were supposed to be all holy and stuff, but when they fly out of the fountian that scream!!! ahhh
Paperboy was pretty scary, there's a lot of other ones...trying to think...ahh Castlevania 3 at night.
..... i guess i'm a dork but

Zombies Ate My Neighbors

...... those evil laughs (BUA HA HA HA HA) and some of the scary music... *shivers*
ImageFX said:
Yes, i will admit that there was a NES game that did scare me when I was very young.

- Friday The 13th -

I used to get scared inside the houses waiting for him to pop out!!! And when rowing the boat he would come swimming by! I don't remember how old I was but I couldn't have been older than 10. LOL I know, I'm shamed! :scared:
I still jump when Jason comes out at me! And I am hella old now. :lol:

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