Another Name Change For Wii?

hmm I dont really think they would change it again. Sounds like an American made it up becuase they didnt like it, Nintendo knows they will sell and especially in japan.
Oh sweet mother of jesus...

Some of the suggested names are: Nintendo GameZone, Nintendo FutureNation and Nintendo GlobalBOX. Nintendo denies this possible name change.

Well there are some first class names there alright ¬_¬ why don't we just call it "Nintendo Moving Control machine" I call BS and shame on the person who wrote the article, the first thing I actually thought of when they announced that it was the Wii was "We" true story.
I really think the Wii is going to catch on, when I first heard of it i was disappointed and like "are you serious", but it really grew on me and now i like it.
If they do go ahead and change the name again lets just hope its not one of the them, especially GlobalBOX:wtf:

personally i didn't see a problem with revolution but as said already id need a bit more evidence of a name change than this one site.
dwaltin said:
here is more information about the name change, I agree with this page.

Thats just reporting what was published on the games4wii site in the first post.

Trust me the name is not going to change, its just some idiot trying to stir up traffic for his new site by creating fabricated news reports ;)
There is no way they will change it again. You have to remember that nintendo is a Japanese company first and foremost, and the word "Wii" in Japan doesn't have the same connotations that it does in English. It's like Reggie said "What did you think of 'Lexus' the first time you heard it? How about 'Ikea'? How about 'Google'?" Google: prime example, dumb name, awesome service; yet nobody has ever considered changing the name
dwaltin said:
I really think the Wii is going to catch on, when I first heard of it i was disappointed and like "are you serious", but it really grew on me and now i like it.

yeah, i thought it sounded daft at first, but its grown on me, and i like it aswell now. i dont think nintendo will change the name again, i hope not anyway

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