wii fitness?

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Jul 7, 2007
I'm not really much of a fitness freak but i think that a wii fitness game would be fantastic and a great way for nintendo to market the wii.

all of the moves are done so why can't they combine into a new game. for example, warioware has squats etc etc, could have more fun sports games like squash and what not.

anyone know of any rumours going around about a fitness game??
I don't know of anything, but i think thats a great idea too. Especially as the wii has already sold into a much bigger market. I know a few people who have asked whether the wii could complement thier normal exercise on rainy days etc. So far i have had to tell them, it will exercise your right arm a lot and your left a bit :lol:

It would have to be a game that had me interested to get me involved though. Some ex-fat person waving thier arms about for me to copy would not be fun !

Anyway, here's to hoping !
O.O Thats probably what happens with alot of people and the Wii. I can see it now. People have several sandwiches with them while playing the Wii, they stop for a few seconds, take a big bite of a sandwich. I'm not FAT, thankfully. I'm very very skinny for my age, seventeen. Trust me, I'm VERY skinny. 95 lbs of skinny. I have nothing to worry about, I can eat anything I want. Mwahhahahaa.
Couldn't you play this game instead of going to the gym or going for a jog? It would replace your conventional exercise, not your gaming.
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