Animal Crossing online


WiiChat Member
Jan 7, 2007
Wii Online Code
I am just making this tread to get some animal crossing friend codes!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

My friend code is 0086-8056-9621.

If reply leave your code as well so i can add you.

I have just started animal crossing mind you but still want loads of friends so you can come to my town and i can go to yours.

PLEASE ADD ME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

:thumbsup: :thumbsup: :thumbsup: :thumbsup: :thumbsup:
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Please Can Someone Reply!!!!!!!! :d
jacko ive got you in my acww already but we havent played. im free all day tommorow so hit me up. ive got you in the wii to, it'll be easier to contact me via wii so add me into your wii and just let me know when you ready to play
Beatle14 said:
I am just making this tread to get some animal crossing friend codes!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

My friend code is 0086-8056-9621.

If reply leave your code as well so i can add you.

I have just started animal crossing mind you but still want loads of friends so you can come to my town and i can go to yours.

PLEASE ADD ME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

:thumbsup: :thumbsup: :thumbsup: :thumbsup: :thumbsup:

add me my code is 214844204203
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KK ill add you all as soon as i get my DS bk, y brother has it for a week or so but ill add you as soon as!!

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