Animal Crossing DS

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  • #31
Master777 said:
this game is so freaking addicting!! I bought it around when it first came out and played it for like 10 months straight. I spent so many hours/days/weeks/months on this game. I even had all the ToysRUs giveaway things. I had so much stuff....the one think I cant seem to get is Cube's pic....damn him....I do everything he asks for, and send him letters and stuff, and nothing. *cries*
I got Cube's pic. He is the best villager ever!!!
i was addicted for about a month. if the wii version comes out then i might just buy a wii again for this game.

there would hav eto be at least 4 other games id want though with it..

has this game been confirmed? i beleive it has, i remember reading an article saying even when your game isnt in the wii, your friends can still visit your town when your not playing? thats all i remember from it.
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  • #34
kronau said:
thw wii one was announced the day wii came out i think it was cancelled
Nope, it's still in development
I just got the DS version and I have the GC version, I absolutely rock at at this game! But the DS version... my person is ugly at the moment and I don't have the hairdresser as of yet. Does anyone wanna exchange friend codes if they have the hairdresser?
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  • #37
LinksDarkSide said:
I just got the DS version and I have the GC version, I absolutely rock at at this game! But the DS version... my person is ugly at the moment and I don't have the hairdresser as of yet. Does anyone wanna exchange friend codes if they have the hairdresser?
I will!

It will have to be tomorrow.

You can come visit Frumtown :yesnod:
ooh. i also have the hairdresser. but, wifi hates me, and my town, is the name of my real town. oh noes. soo.. idk wats going on wif my wifi. its just this game that won't work. -_-''
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  • #44
LinksDarkSide said:
Well other people have to post their codes... I need the serious fashion makeover!
Are you on now?

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