Animal Crossing: city folk Friend Codes

Hello. My name is Lola and i'd like to visit some friends :) My town is too new to hold guests, but soon!

Anywho, my info is:


Please tell me here or email me if you add me! Thanks:)
New to game..

Hello all My name is Melissa.. I would love to have neighbors and friends I can visit and chat with.. I am fairly new to the game.Even tho I have had it a year...Couldnt really play it then cause my babies wouldnt let But now I am playing daily..So please come visit..

City name is Bontemp
My name is Melissa
Friend code is 0431-9792-8494

Thanks so much,,If you add me please be sure to put your info on so I can add you..Thanks!!!
I never get tired of posting here! ^_^


Add me if you L¡!¡!¡!¡!¡!¡!¡!¡!¡k£
I'm looking for people to add as well.
heres my info :)
FC: 1721-2637-5258
name: Leah
Town; Broobies
We just added you. :) My friend code is : 2537-1583-9992 Name: Loopyloo Town: Sunshine.
My daughter and I are playing right now and will have our gates open for awhile. Come visit. :)

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