Animal Crossing: city folk Friend Codes

Hey I'm looking to add people to my animal crossing friends list.

My details
Name: LiziL
Town: Skroral
hi lizil i have added u on animal crossin wii and would like to chat some time my
friend code:0990-1119-4565
name:susan w
town name:london
so if u wont to add me please:yesnod:
hi i have added u on animal crossing and would love it if u added me
name:susan w
add me please :)
Please add my son. His profile is as follows:

Name: Noah

Town: Hi-ville

FC: 1247-2941-2977

Please PM me if you add him and I'll make sure he adds you back. Kids only please. He is only 9.
Please add my son. His profile is as follows:

Name: Noah

Town: Hi-ville

FC: 1247-2941-2977

Please PM me if you add him and I'll make sure he adds you back. Kids only please. He is only 9.
hi i have aded u and like talk to u soon :) my info :
name: susan w
town: london
hope to see u soon :)
Hello people add me

name snake :)

town: gateLife (dont know why i named that lol)

wii speak:going to get soon

Friend code:1376-7033-1184

Ill see u online!

Oh ya if u add me then PM with ur friend code then ill add ASAP
Add me to your friends list

Name: Mama Sun
Code: 3223-5543-2309
Town: Sunivale